Please refer to the following for the tentative training programme for 31 Mar 2015, Tuesday:
2.30 p.m. : Fall in (Attire: Full U)
2.30 - 2.40 p.m. : Attendance Taking
2.40 - 2.45 p.m. : Muster parade
2.45 - 4.00 p.m.
Sec 1: Campcraft Test (Knots)
Sec 2: Campcraft (Introduction to tent pitching) (PT kit (trackpants))
Sec 3: PDS training (Half U)
Sec 4: Promotion Test and Assist in training
4.00-5.10 p.m.
Sec 1: Foot Drills
Sec 2: Baton & Arm drills
Sec 3: Campcraft (Tent pitching) (PT kit (trackpants))
Sec 4: Promotion Test and Assist in training
5.10 -5.20 p.m. : Squad debrief and reflection
5.20 - 525 p.m. : Dismissal
* All cadets are reminded to bring and submit their letters/ medical certifications to the teachers-in-charge, should they be absent from the previous training.
Mr Jason Soo