Monday, 17 October 2016

Monday,17 October 2016

NPCC training on 18 October 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday,18 October 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
AllAttendance Taking14.25-14.30Parade SquareMuftiSec2 IC/TO
Sec 1Foot drills14.30-16.00School premisesMuftiSec 2 IC/TO
Sec 2Foot drills14.30-15.30School PremisesMuftiSec 2 IC/TO
Sec 3Attendence Taking15.25-15.30Parade SquareMuftiUL/AUL/SL
Sec 2 and 3PDS15.30-16.20School PremisesMuftiUL/AUL/SL
Sec 1PT and games16.00-15.15School PremisesPT kitUL/AUL/SL
Sec 2 and 3PT and games16.20-15.15School PremisesPT kitUL/AUL/SL
AllDebrief15.15-15.20Pond areaAs per last attireUL/AUL/SL
AllBersurai15.20-15.25Pond areaAs per last attireUL/AUL/SL

Attendance is compulsory.

All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Nafees Abdul Kader

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Thursday, 22 September 2016

NPCC training on 23 September 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Friday,23 September 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
AllAttendance Taking14.25-14.30school PremisesFull UUL/AUL/SL
Sec 3Promotion ceremony14.40-15.00School premisesFull UTO
Sec 2Promotion ceremony15.00-15.20School PremisesFull UTO
Sec  1Promotion ceremony15.20-15.40School premisesFull UTO
Sec 2Drills15.20-16.00School PremisesFull UUL/AUL/SL
Sec 1Foot drills15.40-16.00School PremisesFull UUL/AUL/SL
AllPT and games16.00-17.10School PremisesPT kitUL/AUL/SL
Sec 2 and 3(selected)PDS16.00-17.10School PremisesHalf UUL/AUL/SL
AllDebrief17.10-17.15Pond areaAs per last attireUL/AUL/SL
AllBersurai17.15-17-25Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireUL/AUL/SL

Attendance is compulsory.

*This will be the last CCA session.

All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Nafees Abdul Kader

Saturday, 17 September 2016

NPCC training on 20 September 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday, 20 September 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Sec 1 and 2Attendance Taking14.25-14.30Behind CanteenHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec 1Foot drills14.30-15.30Behind CanteenHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec 2Baton drills14.30-15.30School PremisesHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec  3Attendance taking15.25-15.30Behind CanteenFull USL
Sec 1Campcraft15.30-16.30School PremisesPT-KitSL
Sec 2CSSP15.30-16.30School PremisesHalf-UTO
Sec 3Promotion Retest15.30-16.30School PremisesFull-UCI
Sec 1PT & Games16.30-17.20School PremisesPT KitPT IC
Sec 3LMSC16.30-17.10School PremisesFull UTO
AllBersurai17.25-17.30Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireAUL's

Attendance is compulsory.

*This will be the last CCA session.

All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Nafees Abdul Kader

Monday, 12 September 2016

NPCC training on 13 September 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday, 13 September 2016.
Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Sec 1Attendance Taking14.25-14.30Behind CanteenFull-USec 2 IC
Sec 2Attendance Taking14.25-14.30Behind CanteenHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec 1LCP Promotion Test14.30-17.20School PremisesFull-UCI
Sec 2Drills14.30-15.30Behind CanteenHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec 3Attendance Taking 15.25-15.30Behind CanteenHalf-USL
Sec 2PDS15.30-16.25School PremisesHalf-UPDS IC
Sec 3Drills15.30-16.25School PremisesHalf-USL
Sec 2 & 3PT & Games16.30-17.20School PremisesPT KitPT IC
AllSquad Debrief17.20-17.25Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireSL's
AllBersurai17.25-17.30Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireAUL's
Sec 1's are allowed to wear Full-U WITHOUT beret as for tomorrow's training.

Attendance is compulsory.
All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Kester Yeo

Monday, 29 August 2016

NPCC training on 30 August 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday, 30 August 2016.
Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Sec 1 Attendance Taking 14.25-14.30Behind CanteenHalf-USec 2 IC
Sec 2Attendance Taking 14.25-14.30Behind CanteenFull-USec 2 IC
Sec 1 Drills14.30-16.25School PremisesHalf-UCI's
Sec 2CPL Promotion Test14.30-17.15School PremisesFull-UCI's/Sec 3 IC
Sec 3Attendance Taking 15.25-15.30Behind CanteenHalf-USL
Sec 3A/STC Prep15.30-16.30School PremisesHalf-UA/STC IC
Sec 3PDS16.30-17.15School PremisesHalf-UPDS IC
Sec 1 PT/Games16.30-17.20School PremisesPT KitPT IC
AllSquad Debrief17.15-17.20Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireSL's
AllBersurai17.20-17.25Pond AreaAs Per Last AttireAUL's

Sec 1's are allowed to wear Half-U WITHOUT beret as for tomorrow's training.

ALL to take a vintage CCA photo for Cluster photo. Do stay back after CCA for a short while for photo taking.

Attendance is compulsory.
All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Kester Yeo

Thursday, 25 August 2016

NPCC training on 26 August 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Friday,26 August 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
AllAttendance Taking14.20-14.30Behind CanteenMuf-schoolUL/AUL's/SL's
Sec 1Drills14.30-16.00Behind CanteenMuf-schoolSec 2 IC/TO's
Sec 2CSSP14.30-16.00School PremisesFull UTO's
Sec 3Promotion test14.30-17.15School PremisesFull UCI
Sec 1PT16.10-17.15School PremisesPT kitTO's/Sec 2 IC
Sec 2Baton drills16.10-17.15School PremisesFull U         TO's
AllDebrief17.15-17.25Pond areaAs per last attireUL's/AUL's/SL's
AllBersurai17.25-17.30Pond AreaAs Per last AttireUL/AUL's/SL's

Do learn this cluster cheer for everyone.
Rashidah: everyone in cluster 2 keep it going
*drumming beat starts* CSLs: sjab cio np Everyone: CLUSTER CSLs: volleyball ping pong, we are a Everyone: CLUSTER St. John's: sjab treating you sick with a Everyone: PLASTER CIO: hello we are cio and we are Everyone: BETTER NPCC: np we are unlike any Everyone: OTHER Volleyball: volleyballers in the house dont be a Everyone: LOSER Table Tennis: table tennis we are here to Everyone: SLAUGHTER St. John's: dont mess with us, the second Everyone: CLUSTER CIO: we are, we are, we are, the best Everyone: CLUSTER NPCC: cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl Everyone: CLUSTER Volleyball: k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k Everyone: CLUSTER Table Tennis: so who's the best cluster? Everyone: cluster TWOOOOOOO Rashidah: Cluster sama dia! Everyone: TWO! Rashidah: Cluster lagi skali! Everyone: TWO! Rashidah: Cluster banyak-banyak! Everyone: TWO! Rashidah: Cluster sampai chautaaaaaaaa Everyone: Twooooooo
Attendance is compulsory.
All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Nafees Abdul Kadeer