Thursday, 30 June 2016

NPCC Training on 1 July 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Friday, 1 July 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Sec 1Attendance Taking14.05-14.30Behind CanteenMuf-tiSec 3's/TO's
Sec 2 & 3Attendance Taking14.20-14.30Behind CanteenFull-USec 3's/TO's
AllDrills14.30-15.30School PremisesFull-U/Muf-tiSec 3's/TO's/SL's
Sec 1PT & Games15.30-16.40School PremisesPT KitUL/AUL's/SL's
Sec 2PK 2 component15.00-15.50School PremisesFull-UTO's
Sec 3LMSC15.30-16.10Pond AreaAs Per last AttireUL/AUL's/SL's
Sec 3Drills16.10-16.50School PremisesFull-UUL/AUL's/SL's
AllBersurai16.50-17.00Pond AreaAs Per last AttireUL/AUL's/SL's
Attendance is compulsory.

All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL (NPCC) Kester Yeo

Monday, 27 June 2016

NPCC Training on 28 June 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday, 28 June 2016.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Sec 1Attendance Taking14.25-14.30Behind CanteenMuf-tiSec 2's/TO's
Sec 2Attendance Taking14.25-14.30Behind CanteenHalf-UniSec 2's/TO's
Sec 1 & 2Drills14.30-15.00School PremisesHalf-Uni/Muf-tiSec 2's/TO's/SL's
Sec 3Attendance Taking15.30-15.35Behind CanteenHalf-UniUL/AUL's/SL's
Sec 3Drills15.35-16.00School PremisesHalf-UniUL/AUL's/SL's
AllPT & Games16.00-17.20School PremisesPT KitPT IC
Drill Comp CadetsDrill Comp Prac16.00-17.20School PremisesHalf-UniPC
AllSquad Debrief17.20-17.25Pond AreaAs Per last AttireUL/AUL's/SL's
AllBersurai17.25-17.30Pond AreaAs Per last AttireUL/AUL's/SL's
Attendance is compulsory.
Full Uniform
-NPCC Shirt, NPCC Pants, Belt, Black Socks and Boots
Half Uniform

-Crest Tee(NPCC)/Unit Tee, NPCC Pants, Belt, Black Socks and Boots
-Crest Tee(NPCC)/Unit Tee, NPCC Pants, Belt, Black Socks and School Shoes
- Crest Tee(NPCC)/Unit Tee, School Pants/Bermudas, White Socks(covering ankle), School Shoes
-Crest Tee(NPCC)/Unit Tee, School PE Shorts, White Socks(covering ankle), School Shoes
Pt-Kit(Track pants)

- Crest Tee(NPCC)/Unit Tee, Black/Dark Blue Trackpants, White Socks(covering ankle), School Shoes

All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL Kester Yeo

Monday, 20 June 2016

NPCC Training on 21st June 2016

There will be NPCC Practice on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 for Drill Competition Squad.

Please refer to the programme as follows:
LevelActivityTimeVenueAttireAction By
Drill Competition cadetsAttendance Taking8.00-8.05Lower ISHHalf-UCI's/UL's & AUL's
Drill Competition cadetsPerfect Drills8.05-11.30Lower ISHHalf-UCI's/UL's & AUL's
Drill Competition cadetsSquad Debrief & Bersurai11.30-11.35 Lower ISHHalf-UCI's/UL's & AUL's
Attendance is compulsory.


All cadets who are absent from the previous session are reminded to submit their Medical Certificate or Parents' letter of excuse to the Teachers-in-charge.

CPL Kester Yeo